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(Sound Design/Music)

Already as a child, I built loudspeakers, recorded imaginary radio programmes on cassettes and started bands in which I played all kinds of instruments. With the age of 16 i became part of "Pink Mama Theatre" and developed as musical and technical director more than 10 dancetheatre pieces with choreographer Slawek Bendrat and director Dominik Krawiecki.

After a professional 5-year apprenticeship as a multimedia electronics technician, I studied music and media arts at the Bern University of the Arts. During my studies I found my love for film-music and video installations.

Amongst various other Band (such as Art-Boyband CHIC, Parker Leftlover, Augenwasser) I have been singing and playing at over 80 Concerts with my group Penkowski in the past 7 years and we recently released our 3rd Album.

After an exchange during my studies at HKB with Tongji University in Shanghai, I travelled to China for half a year. I was able to make contacts, play concerts, record music and feel the pulse of the times. Afterwards I acted as tour manager for the European tours of Lonely Leary and FAZI, which resulted in my label Fiasko ltd. with wich i released music on Vinyl and digitally from various artists from switzerland and China.

After my studies i worked at the Swiss National Radio SRF and realized jingles and sounddesigns such as «Der Geisterzug von Spiez» or "Herrgottsbetong".

Today i work as a self-employed for various projects in various positions. In addition to my artistic activities, I am working regularly as sound designer & music composer for the Swiss national TV and Radiostation SRF and as Video Operator at the Opernhaus Zürich.
In the recent time I realized a Sound Installation for the «park of the encounters» with the american landscape architect Robin Winogrond in Heidelberg Germany.

Average Songs For Sad People


The hiss of a tape and muffled beats of a drum machine, which sound like from a jukebox of a roadhouse in the lost woods. Haunting synths sing like ghosts. A voice echoes like memories of the past, whether it was the 50s or the 80s, you can't remember. Something is falling out of time, out of place. Red silk on a TV-screen. White leather gloves.

“ la séduction, la nostalgie, la solitude, et, surtout, l’amour, l’amour, l’amour”
Radio Vostok

“Psychedelischer Disco-Vibe mit neuem Touch. Uffff”

“PARKER LEFTLOVER perform a surreal supernatural seduction”
White Light / White Heat

Average Songs For Sad People

Park of the encounters Heidelberg

Consultant / Sound Designer

The Campbell Barracks in Heidelberg, a former Wehrmacht barracks of the National Socialists and later headquarters of the US Army and NATO, are looking for an identity. Together with the Landscape architect Robin Winogrond, I realised a multi-channel sound installation. A re-staging of history by means of fragmentary sound events of the last 100 years.

More infos on the Website of Robin Winogrond

"Landzine International Landscape Award"

Park of the encounters Heidelberg

Parker Leftlover CHINA Tour 2023

Musician, Booker

Parker Leftlover 
China Tour 2023

09/02    Loop Festival    XiAn
09/08    Yestoi    Chengdu
09/12    Stereo Room    Chongqing
09/17    He Tu Festival    Nanjing
09/20    Yuyintang    Shanghai
09/27    Dusk Dawn Club    Beijing

Parker Leftlover CHINA Tour 2023

"Penkowski - Butterfly" musicvideo

Music / Actor / Video

A music video I've made with my dear friends Flurina Leuchter (animations) and Elias Gamma (camera & editing) for the song Butterfly of my quintet Penkowski. Edgy and hilarious.

Watch it here!


Sound Design / Foley Artist


I did part of the sound design / foleys for the first full Length movie of Polish director Patrycja Planik and my long time working partners Dominik Krawiecki & Slawek Bendrat. FAGGOTS premiered at the Filmfestival Oldenburg 2021 and won the Audacity jury price.

In einer dystopischen post-pandemischen Realität überlebt nur eine Schar von gender-fluiden Charakteren. Eine groteske Beerdigung der letzten Frau der Erde, Maria Magdalena Wysocka, auch bekannt als Pink Mama, offenbart die wahre Natur der modernen Gesellschaft und leitet eine neue Ära ein. Planik und Krawiecki entwerfen eine Utopie, die wie der ultimative Albtraum rechtsextremer Fantasien anmutet. Diese furchtlose Attacke gegen Intoleranz ist nicht nur in Polen mutig und visionär.


Final Destination Disneyland

Composer, Musician, Singer, Designer

In the third Album of Penkowski the amusement park and its attraction act as an image of our world. The opener "Liberal" starts distorted and pushy. Lyrics written by AI whip the listener trough the beginning of an album that, later more personally, shows the new turn of the band towards a sound that is driven by funky oscillating Bass-riffs, machinelike drums, razor sharp guitarlicks and the sometimes preaching, sometimes crooning voice. Songs in which the facade becomes reality and supposedly infinite possibilities expose our own solitude. The intransparent and hallucinatory imagery of the beautiful artwork by painter Daniel Schoch expands the unconventional sound of the band.

Listen to the full album here
Final Destination Disneyland

Opernhaus Zürich: DIE ODYSSEE

Video Operator

Musik geschrieben von Leonard Evers (*1985)
Auftragswerk des Opernhauses Zürich

Nach dem Ende des Trojanischen Kriegs macht sich Odysseus auf den Heimweg nach Ithaka. Doch der Meeresgott Poseidon lässt Odysseus und seine Gefährten nicht so schnell an ihr Ziel gelangen und schickt sie auf eine Reise voller Abenteuer. Ganze zehn Jahre dauert es, bis der griechische Held endlich zu seiner Frau Penelope und seinem Sohn Telemachos zurückkehrt.

Opernhaus Zürich: DIE ODYSSEE

SRF Hörspiel: Herrgottsbetong

Music / Sound Design

Wenn der Sand von der Nagelfluh herunter rieselt, leise wie eine Sanduhr, hört man den Klang der Ewigkeit. Dann lässt es sich gut über einen Neubeginn nachdenken; über das Alter, die Träume, Ziele und über die Zeit, die so kompakt ist wie der Herrgottsbeton.

Hörspiel von Peter Weingartner 
Aufnahmeregie: Päivi Stalder
Produktion: SRF 2021 - Dauer: 50'

Listen to it here

SRF Hörspiel: Herrgottsbetong

FAZI - Invisible Water

Musician / Sound Engineer

I recorded the two songs “Night Walk” and “You Turn My Face to Another Day” at my studio in Biel when I was on Tour with the chinese Post-Punk Band FAZI. I also played synth and drummachine on the tracks.

Released on LP/CD & Digital on
Big Romantic Records,

Musicvideo for "Night Walk"
FAZI - Invisible Water

SRF Podcast Es Geschah am... Der Geisterzug von Spiez

Sound Designer / Composer / Sound Engineer

Eine Geschichte wie aus einem Horrorfilm aber sie ist wahr: Ein Zug der BLS rattert durch die finstere Nacht, die Bremsen funktionieren nicht, es geht nur noch bergab. Wenige Minuten bleiben zu entscheiden, wie der Zug gestoppt werden kann. Es kommt zu einem wuchtigen Aufprall – drei Menschen hatten keine Chance und verlieren ihr Leben.

Listen to it here
SRF Podcast Es Geschah am... Der Geisterzug von Spiez

Kanal K - Audio Layout

Creative Director / Recordist / Sound Designer

Neue akustische Corporate Identity für das Aarauer Ausbildungs-, Community- und Musik-Radio Kanal K. Sendungen und Musik fernab vom Mainstream.

Kanal K
Kanal K - Audio Layout

#Follow the Revolution

On Set Recordist / Post Production

The Theatremovie was a Collective Work of Kollektiv leerraum.offen contributing with artists of all genres. I recorded the sound on set and coworked on the sounddesign and final mix of the movie.

„Der Theaterfilm «#FollowTheRevolution – Eine Anleitung zum Aufstehen» ist keine Anleitung zur Revolution, sondern Anstoss zu Diskussionen. […] Ein Plädoyer für die Tätigkeit in einer Welt in der viele spüren, dass alles schief läuft, aber niemand etwas tut.“ -

Full Movie
#Follow the Revolution

Boyband CHIC - VR Experience

Artist / Performer

Since its foundation in 2018, Boyband CHIC has realized numerous exhibitions and performances. “Boyband CHIC - VR Expirience” is simultaneously a mini retrospectice and the lastest work of the collective.

"up & coming" article about the Project

Boyband VR Experience
Boyband CHIC - VR Experience

China Tour 2020 Penkowski 

Performer / Musician

It would have been a long time dream for me to play a tour in china. This one would have gone from Beijing to the border of North Corea, passing the east coast trough Shanghai, then westwards along the Yangtse river trough Wuhan and Chongqing, finally to Chengdu. 12 gigs in 14 days... Cancelled due to COVID regulations but still a big project of mine.

China Tour 2020 Penkowski 

Split Single Series on Fiasko Ltd.

Art Director / Producer / Publisher
2018 and ongoing

The Split-Single series on Fiasko Ltd. brings Swiss and Chinese underground Music together and brings them to a new context.

Listen to the whole Catalogue here
Split Single Series on  Fiasko Ltd.

Pink Mama Theatre FASHION

Technical Director / Sound Designer / Performer

"People make clothes, and clothes make people" - Fashion has always accompanied mankind! It reflects, like religion and art, exemplarily the zeitgeist. Its purpose may be of a practical, ethical, sexual, aesthetic, or representative nature, allowing us to turn our inner self into a manifesto which we carry through life to the grave.

The dance theater piece “Fashion” by PINK MAMA THEATRE sheds light on all these aspects.

Pink Mama Theatre  FASHION

Penkowski - Telephones

Performer / Musician

The Music Video for the song Telephones by my band Penkowski. Released on our second LP "Please don't call me human". Shot in Lugano at Spazio Morel.

Directed by Radiana Basso

Watch it here
Penkowski - Telephones

Pink Mama Theatre OLYMPIADE

Technical Director / Sound Designer / Technician

Large Project at Grosse Halle, Reithalle Bern.
Two actors and five dancers depict a world catapulting toward war; an eerie state of calm before the storm. An unavoidable tension seems to be kindling and no-one can predict when and to which extent it will inflame.

Pink Mama Theatre  OLYMPIADE

Der Futurologische Kongress

Artist / Musician

Livehörspiel 56”25’

Auftragsarbeit für werkhof3000 in Bern

The intervention went along lectures by the curator Geraldine Tedder, one lecture by Marc Atallah (director Maison d’Ailleurs, Yverdon) titled On World-Building: Pragmatics of Science Fiction and one lecture by art historian Toni Hildebrandt titled A World And Not The World, followed by a screening of Ben River’s essay film Slow Action (2010).

Listen to it here
Der Futurologische Kongress

Strategie der Spannung


Video 4”01’

Der Ausdruck Strategie der Spannung bezeichnet einen Komplex aus verdeckten Maßnahmen zur Destabilisierung des gesellschaftlichen Gefüges oder Verunsicherung von Bevölkerungsteilen, einer Region oder eines Staates, ausgeführt oder gefördert durch staatliche Organe.

Watch it here
Strategie der Spannung

Backspace & Jonas Weber - Boom Boom King EP


In the cold Beijing-winter of 2017/18 I grabbed a small Casio keyboard, a delay pedal and recorded a small EP and played some concerts with the band “Backspace”.

Released digital Beijing

Listen to it here
Backspace & Jonas Weber - Boom Boom King EP

Film 2 - Tottenham Punks


Acting for a Musicvideo for the great swiss Trio Film 2.

Directed by Cassandra Schurtenberger

Watch it here
Film 2 - Tottenham Punks


Artist, Editor

Experimenteller Kurzfilm 10”40’

Kryonik (kryos altgriechisch für 'Eis'): Ein Körper wird eingefroren um ihn in der Zukunft - sofern möglich - wiederbeleben zu können. Eine Scheinwelt zwischen Erinnerung & Vorahnung, ausgehend von Super8-Aufnahmen meines verstorbenen Grossvaters Albert Nyffenegger.

Watch it here


Artist, Programmer, Performer

Inspiriert von Berechnungsfehlern und Unregelmässigkeiten geht das Stück dem Verhältnis von Logik und Intuition nach und sucht nach dem Menschlichen in der Computermusik.

Sinustöne und Impulse werden vom Computer getaktet und erzeugt, jedoch von Menschenhand gesteuert. Das Klangbild ändert sich graduell durch subtile Prozesse und der starre Takt wird durch Verschiebungen auf der Ebene der Zeit aufgebrochen.

Listen to it here